OpenGLES2.0 not support glFog. So If you want fog effect, you have to a code using glsl.
1. Calculate
GL_FOG_MODE have 3 modes.
GL_LINEAR : f = (end - z)/(end - start)
GL_EXP : f = exp(-density*z)
GL_EXP2 : f = exp2(-(density*z)*(density*z))
Color = Color_source*f + (1-f)Color_fog
start - fog start distionce(usually 0.0f)
end - fog's end distance (usually 1.0f)
Color_source is fragment color.
Color_fog is fog-color set by GL_FOG_COLOR
2. GLSL Code
Below show glsl code. It is very simple code
tmp_color is rgba color that texture color and source color modulated.
enable_fog is set by glUniform1i c++ code. Default mode is GL_LINEAR.
To get fragment's depth buffer value, I used gl_FragCoord.z that is [0-1].
void main(void) { if(enable_fog == 1) { float f = 0.0; float z = gl_FragCoord.z; float alpha = tmp_color.a; if(fog_mode == FOG_EXP) { f = clamp(exp(-fog_density*z),0.0, 1.0); } else if(fog_mode == FOG_EXP2) { f = clamp(exp((fog_density*z)*(fog_density*z)),0.0, 1.0); } else { float divide = fog_end - fog_start; if(divide != 0.0) f = clamp((fog_end - z)/(divide),0.0, 1.0); } tmp_color = f*tmp_color + (1.0 - f)*fog_color; tmp_color.a = alpha; } gl_FragColor = tmp_color; }
Below show result,
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