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Rubik Cube Animation Example In Android

This example shows how you can create Rubik’s cube in android.


1.) Create a new project by File-> New -> Android Project name it RubikCubeAnimationExample.

2.) Create and write following into src/




3.) Create and write following into src/




4.) Create and write following into src/




5.) Create and write following into src/




6.) Create and write following into src/




7.) Create and write following into src/




8.) Create and write following into src/




10.) Create and write following into src/




11.) Run for output.


1.) Create a project named RubikCubeAnimationExample and set the information as stated in the image.

Build Target: Android 4.0
Application Name: RubikCubeAnimationExample
Package Name: com. example. RubikCubeAnimationExample
Activity Name: RubikCubeAnimationExampleActivity
Min SDK Version: 14

2.) Open file and write following code there:




3.) Compile and build the project.


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