| Array.prototype.clear = function() { |
| while (this.length > 0) { |
| this.pop(); |
| } |
| }; |
| function clamp(value, min, max) { |
| return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max); |
| }; |
| var http = require('http'); |
| var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server; |
| var port = process.env.port || 1337; |
| var httpServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) { |
| res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); |
| res.end('Hello World\n'); |
| }); |
| httpServer.listen(port); |
| var wsServer = new WebSocketServer({ |
| httpServer: httpServer, |
| // You should not use autoAcceptConnections for production |
| // applications, as it defeats all standard cross-origin protection |
| // facilities built into the protocol and the browser. You should |
| // *always* verify the connection's origin and decide whether or not |
| // to accept it. |
| autoAcceptConnections: false |
| }); |
| const SERVER_TICK = 100; |
| const PID_LOGIN = 1; |
| const PID_ENTER_ANYONE = 2; |
| const PID_MOVEMENT = 3; |
| const PID_SYNC_SERVER_TIME = 4; |
| const PID_LEAVE_ANYONE = 5; |
| const PID_SHOOT_BULLET = 6; |
| const PID_HIT_ANYONE = 7; |
| const PID_DELETE_BULLET = 8; |
| var CharacterState = function(){ |
| return { |
| 'NOMAL':0, |
| 'DEATH':1 |
| } |
| }(); |
| var PF = require('pathfinding'); |
| var matrix = [ |
| [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], |
| [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], |
| [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], |
| [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], |
| [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], |
| ]; |
| |
| var grid = new PF.Grid(5, 5, matrix); |
| var finder = new PF.AStarFinder(); |
| |
| function originIsAllowed(origin) { |
| // put logic here to detect whether the specified origin is allowed. |
| return true; |
| } |
| function broadcast(message, skipConn) |
| { |
| wsServer.connections.forEach(function (conn) { |
| if (skipConn == conn) |
| return |
| conn.send(message); |
| }); |
| } |
| function lineDistance( point1, point2 ) |
| { |
| var xs = 0; |
| var ys = 0; |
| xs = point2.x - point1.x; |
| xs = xs * xs; |
| ys = point2.y - point1.y; |
| ys = ys * ys; |
| return Math.sqrt( xs + ys ); |
| } |
| function setMovementGoalAtPoint(elem, start, goal) |
| { |
| elem.movement.limitTime = parseInt(lineDistance(start, goal)/elem.speed); |
| elem.movement.sx = start.x; |
| elem.movement.sy = start.y; |
| elem.movement.ex = goal.x; |
| elem.movement.ey = goal.y; |
| elem.movement.elapsedTime = 0; |
| elem.movement.startTime = globalMgr.elapsedTime; |
| } |
| function setMovementGoalWithPathFind(elem, x, y) |
| { |
| const TILE_SIZE = 100; |
| var start = { x: parseInt(elem.movement.cx/TILE_SIZE), y: parseInt(elem.movement.cy/TILE_SIZE) }; |
| var goal = { x:parseInt(x/TILE_SIZE), y:parseInt(y/TILE_SIZE)}; |
| goal.x = clamp(goal.x, 0, grid.width-1); |
| goal.y = clamp(goal.y, 0, grid.height-1); |
| elem.pathfind.path = []; |
| elem.pathfind.cpath = 0; |
| setMovementGoalAtPoint(elem, {x:elem.movement.cx, y:elem.movement.cy}, {x:clamp(x, 0, (grid.width-1)*TILE_SIZE), y:clamp(y, 0, (grid.height-1)*TILE_SIZE)}); |
| var gridBackup = grid.clone(); |
| var path = finder.findPath(start.x, start.y, goal.x, goal.y, gridBackup); |
| if (path.length < 2) |
| return; |
| path = PF.Util.smoothenPath(gridBackup, path); |
| if (path.length < 2) |
| return; |
| for(var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) |
| { |
| path[i][0] *= TILE_SIZE; |
| path[i][1] *= TILE_SIZE; |
| } |
| elem.pathfind.path = path; |
| elem.pathfind.cpath = 2; |
| setMovementGoalAtPoint(elem, {x:elem.movement.cx, y:elem.movement.cy}, {x:path[1][0], y:path[1][1]}); |
| return; |
| |
| } |
| function setMovementGoalAsDirection(elem, x, y, length) |
| { |
| var p1 = { x: elem.movement.cx, y: elem.movement.cy }; |
| var p2 = { x:x, y:y}; |
| |
| var radian = Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x); |
| setMovementGoalAtPoint(elem, p1, {x:Math.cos(radian)*length+p1.x, y:Math.sin(radian)*length+p1.y}); |
| } |
| function lerp(start, end, percent) { |
| return start + ((end - start) * percent); |
| } |
| function inCircle (c1, c2) { |
| var p1x = c1.movement.cx; |
| var p1y = c1.movement.cy; |
| var r1 = c1.radius; |
| var p2x = c2.movement.cx; |
| var p2y = c2.movement.cy; |
| var r2 = c2.radius; |
| var a = r1 + r2; |
| var x = p1x - p2x; |
| var y = p1y - p2y; |
| |
| if ( a > Math.sqrt( (x*x) + (y*y) ) ) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function move(elem, delta) |
| { |
| elem.movement.elapsedTime += delta; |
| var timeLeft = elem.movement.limitTime-elem.movement.elapsedTime; |
| |
| if (timeLeft <= 0) |
| { |
| elem.movement.cx = elem.movement.ex; |
| elem.movement.cy = elem.movement.ey; |
| elem.movement.elapsedTime = elem.movement.limitTime; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| var percentDone = 1 - timeLeft/elem.movement.limitTime; |
| |
| elem.movement.cx = lerp(elem.movement.sx, elem.movement.ex, percentDone) ; |
| elem.movement.cy = lerp(elem.movement.sy, elem.movement.ey, percentDone) ; |
| return true; |
| |
| } |
| function GlobalMgr() |
| { |
| this.updateTime = new Date().getTime(); |
| this.elapsedTime = 0; |
| this.protocolHandler = []; |
| this.inputQueue = []; |
| this.userIDCounter = 0; |
| this.characters = []; |
| this.connections = []; |
| this.bullets = []; |
| this.bulletIDCounter = 0; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_LOGIN] = onLoginReq; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_MOVEMENT] = onMovementReq; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_LEAVE_ANYONE] = onLeaveAnyoneReq; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_SHOOT_BULLET] = onShootBulletReq; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_DELETE_BULLET] = onDeleteBulletReq; |
| this.protocolHandler[PID_REVIVE_CHARACTER] = onReviveCharacterReq; |
| } |
| var globalMgr = new GlobalMgr(); |
| function updateState() |
| { |
| var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); |
| var delta = currentTime-globalMgr.updateTime; |
| globalMgr.elapsedTime += delta; |
| var syncTimeProtocol = {id:PID_SYNC_SERVER_TIME, time:globalMgr.elapsedTime}; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(syncTimeProtocol), null); |
| |
| var cloneInputQueue = globalMgr.inputQueue.slice(0); |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.clear(); |
| cloneInputQueue.forEach(function(e){ |
| var msg = e; |
| var connection = e.connection; |
| |
| globalMgr.protocolHandler[msg.id](connection, msg); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| globalMgr.characters.forEach(function(elem){ |
| |
| if (false == move(elem, delta)) |
| { |
| if (elem.pathfind.cpath < elem.pathfind.path.length) |
| { |
| var start = {x:elem.movement.cx, y:elem.movement.cy}; |
| var goal = {x:elem.pathfind.path[elem.pathfind.cpath][0], y:elem.pathfind.path[elem.pathfind.cpath][1]}; |
| ++elem.pathfind.cpath; |
| |
| setMovementGoalAtPoint(elem, start, goal); |
| sendUpdatePathMovement(elem); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| globalMgr.bullets.forEach(function(elem){ |
| |
| var movable = move(elem, delta); |
| globalMgr.characters.forEach(function(character){ |
| |
| if (elem.owner_id == character.id) |
| return; |
| if (true == inCircle(character, elem)) |
| { |
| hitAnyone(character, elem); |
| } |
| |
| }); |
| if (movable == false) |
| { |
| postDeleteBullet(elem.id); |
| } |
| |
| }); |
| |
| globalMgr.updateTime = currentTime; |
| |
| } |
| setInterval(updateState, SERVER_TICK); |
| function createCharacter(connection) |
| { |
| var id = ++globalMgr.userIDCounter; |
| var myJSONObject = { |
| movement:{cx:0, cy:0, sx:0, sy:0, ex:0, ey:0, limitTime:0, elapsedTime:0, startTime:globalMgr.elapsedTime}, |
| hp:10, |
| speed:0.1, |
| radius:50, |
| state:CharacterState.NOMAL, |
| pathfind:{path:[], cpath:0}, |
| id:id |
| }; |
| |
| |
| globalMgr.characters[id] = myJSONObject; |
| globalMgr.connections[id] = connection; |
| return myJSONObject; |
| } |
| function createBullet(owner) |
| { |
| var id = ++globalMgr.bulletIDCounter; |
| var myJSONObject = { |
| movement:{cx:owner.movement.cx, cy:owner.movement.cy, sx:owner.movement.cx, sy:owner.movement.cy, ex:0, ey:0, limitTime:0, elapsedTime:0, startTime:globalMgr.elapsedTime}, |
| dmg:1, |
| speed:0.3, |
| radius:5, |
| owner_id:owner.id, |
| id:id |
| }; |
| |
| |
| globalMgr.bullets[id] = myJSONObject; |
| |
| return myJSONObject; |
| } |
| function postDeleteBullet(id) |
| { |
| postProtocolToInputQueue({id:PID_DELETE_BULLET, bullet_id:id}); |
| } |
| function postProtocolToInputQueue(protocol, delay) |
| { |
| if (delay == 0) |
| { |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.push(protocol); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| setTimeout(function(){ |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.push(protocol); |
| }, delay); |
| } |
| } |
| function hitAnyone(victim, bullet) |
| { |
| victim.hp -= bullet.dmg; |
| if (victim.hp <= 0) |
| { |
| if (victim.state != CharacterState.DEATH) |
| { |
| victim.state = CharacterState.DEATH; |
| var revivePlace = {x:Math.floor((Math.random() * 300) + 1), y:Math.floor((Math.random() * 300) + 1)}; |
| postProtocolToInputQueue({id:PID_REVIVE_CHARACTER, characterID:victim.id, x:revivePlace.x, y:revivePlace.y, hp:10}, 5000); |
| } |
| victim.hp = 0; |
| } |
| var protocol = {id:PID_HIT_ANYONE, time:globalMgr.elapsedTime, victim:victim.id, bullet_id:bullet.id, dmg:bullet.dmg}; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(protocol), null); |
| postDeleteBullet(bullet.id); |
| } |
| function onLoginReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| |
| var newCharacter = createCharacter(connection); |
| connection.userid = newCharacter.id; |
| var loginProtocol = {id:PID_LOGIN, me:newCharacter, members:[], bullets:[]}; |
| var memberCount = 0; |
| globalMgr.characters.forEach(function(e){ |
| if (globalMgr.userIDCounter == e.id) |
| return; |
| loginProtocol.members[memberCount] = e; |
| memberCount++; |
| }); |
| memberCount = 0; |
| globalMgr.bullets.forEach(function(e){ |
| |
| loginProtocol.bullets[memberCount] = e; |
| memberCount++; |
| }); |
| |
| |
| connection.send(JSON.stringify(loginProtocol)); |
| var enterAnyoneProtocol = {id:PID_ENTER_ANYONE, anyone:newCharacter}; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(enterAnyoneProtocol), connection); |
| } |
| function onMovementReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| var character = globalMgr.characters[connection.userid]; |
| if (character.hp == 0) |
| return; |
| character.pathfind.path = []; |
| character.pathfind.cpath = 0; |
| setMovementGoalWithPathFind(character, msg.goal.x, msg.goal.y); |
| |
| var movementProtocol = {id:PID_MOVEMENT, time:globalMgr.elapsedTime, cx:character.movement.cx, cy:character.movement.cy, limitTime:character.movement.limitTime, characterID:connection.userid, goal:{x:character.movement.ex, y:character.movement.ey}}; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(movementProtocol), null); |
| } |
| function sendUpdatePathMovement(character) |
| { |
| var movementProtocol = {id:PID_MOVEMENT, time:globalMgr.elapsedTime, cx:character.movement.cx, cy:character.movement.cy, limitTime:character.movement.limitTime, characterID:character.id, goal:{x:character.movement.ex, y:character.movement.ey}}; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(movementProtocol), null); |
| } |
| function onLeaveAnyoneReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(msg), null); |
| delete globalMgr.characters[msg.characterID]; |
| delete globalMgr.connections[msg.characterID]; |
| } |
| function onShootBulletReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| var character = globalMgr.characters[connection.userid]; |
| if (character.hp == 0) |
| return; |
| var bullet = createBullet(character); |
| |
| setMovementGoalAsDirection(bullet, msg.goal.x, msg.goal.y, 300); |
| var shootBulletProtocol = {id:PID_SHOOT_BULLET, bullet:bullet}; |
| |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify(shootBulletProtocol), null); |
| } |
| function onDeleteBulletReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| delete globalMgr.bullets[msg.bullet_id]; |
| } |
| function onReviveCharacterReq(connection, msg) |
| { |
| var character = globalMgr.characters[msg.characterID]; |
| if (character == null) |
| return; |
| character.movement.cx = msg.x; |
| character.movement.cy = msg.y; |
| character.movement.sx = msg.x; |
| character.movement.sy = msg.y; |
| character.movement.ex = msg.x; |
| character.movement.ey = msg.y; |
| character.movement.elapsedTime = 0; |
| character.movement.limitTime = 0; |
| character.movement.starTime = globalMgr.elapsedTime; |
| character.hp = msg.hp; |
| character.state = CharacterState.NOMAL; |
| broadcast(JSON.stringify({id:PID_REVIVE_CHARACTER, character:character}), null); |
| } |
| wsServer.on('request', function(request) { |
| if (!originIsAllowed(request.origin)) { |
| // Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin |
| request.reject(); |
| console.log((new Date()) + ' Connection from origin ' + request.origin + ' rejected.'); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var connection = request.accept('echo-protocol', request.origin); |
| var loginProtocol = {id:PID_LOGIN}; |
| loginProtocol.connection = connection; |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.push(loginProtocol); |
| |
| console.log((new Date()) + ' Connection accepted.'); |
| connection.on('message', function(message) { |
| |
| |
| if (message.type === 'utf8') { |
| console.log('Server Received Message: ' + message.utf8Data + ' len: ' + message.utf8Data.length); |
| var protocol = JSON.parse(message.utf8Data); |
| protocol.connection = connection; |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.push(protocol); |
| |
| |
| } |
| else if (message.type === 'binary') { |
| console.log('Server Received Binary Message of ' + message.binaryData.length + ' bytes'); |
| connection.sendBytes(message.binaryData); |
| |
| } |
| }); |
| connection.on('close', function(reasonCode, description) { |
| console.log((new Date()) + ' Peer ' + connection.remoteAddress + ' disconnected.'); |
| var leaveProtocol = {id:PID_LEAVE_ANYONE, characterID:connection.userid}; |
| globalMgr.inputQueue.push(leaveProtocol); |
| |
| }); |
| |
| }); |